P-05-775 Put an End to the Cross Border and Sub-contracting Taxi Licensing Loophole

P-05-775 Put an End to the Cross Border and Sub-contracting Taxi Licensing Loophole

Under consideration


This petition was submitted by Taxi Drivers of Cardiff, having collected 390 signatures online.


Petition text:

We call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government, in the context of its consultation into the reforms of the taxi licensing laws, to put a stop to the 'cross border' and 'sub-contracting' loophole in the law which means hundreds of out of town taxis and private hire vehicles descend on Cardiff to work Private Hire.


Additional information:

There are enough Cardiff licensed vehicles to cover the City without the need for these cars from as far afield as London, Merseyside, the Midlands etc. As well as from neighbouring authorities like Newport, the Vale and RCT etc. There have even been vehicles not working on any platform, illegally plying for hire, hiding behind the fact so many 'alien' cabs are in the City.

Many of these vehicles have NO markings on them, making a mockery of the standards set by Cardiff County Council for vehicles licensed by themselves, including highly visible livery and local street knowledge. Alas it will be only matter of time before a vulnerable person jumps into a non licensed car with catastrophic results.

We urge the Welsh Government to ensure that the only Taxis and Private Hire vehicles allowed to work in Cardiff are those licensed by Cardiff County Council. This is to ensure public safety and to ensure that Cardiff isn’t saturated with even more cars than what is needed which if allowed to continue will see even more congestion and pollution in our Capital. It will also give existing drivers licensed by Cardiff a chance to earn something approaching a living wage.


Petition handover with the petitioners

Petition handover with the petitioners



This petition has closed for signatures and is currently awaiting it’s first consideration by the Petitions Committee.


Assembly Constituency and Region

  • Cardiff South and Penarth
  • South Wales Central


Further information

Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Deleted

First published: 02/10/2017